Monday, 23 September 2013

Interview at Boys In Our Books

The lovely Boys in our Books interviewed me today (23/9). The questions hit a different persepctive for me, just coming at it from a reader's pov, albeit an author/reader one. Getting the time to get comfy and talk about books is something I love, so it was good to rave about what hits the spot for me and why. And there were some lovely people who stopped by to join in and make it a really enjoyable ride.

Professionalism pretty much flies out of the window when I'm talking about characters and plots that leave me floored, jealousy can set in, too, lol, especially when I sit there thinking, I wish to God I'd written that. I fall hopelessly for certain tyes of characters, and if the story grips, pretty much all sense of time flies out the window.   

So this is just a thanks for the lovely team over at BIOB for hosting (putting up, lol) with me today.

For anyone interested, the interview is here, at Boys in our Books.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Coming Free on Audio: Antidote & Forgive Us Our Sins (Excerpts)

It's great to finally share this. Two FREE audio excerpts from the yet-to-be-released Don't 2 and Deliver Us 3 shared-world projects are scheduled for seperate release in December. They come from the lovely people in the Goodreads' BDSM Group and their BDSM Bedtime Story excerpts.

One audio excerpt will be taken from the gorgeously talented Ms. Kelling and her Forgive Us Our Sins novel (from her Deliver Us series). And the second will be taken from my sequel to Don't... Antidote.  

To coincide with each of these audio releases, on the day of the Forgive Us Our Sins' excerpt, Ms. Kelling will be interviewed by the lovely La Crimson Femme from the BDSM Group, where Ms. Kelling will hopefully be divulging a few secrets on the shared-world projects. On the release of my Antidote excerpt, La Crimson Femme will be interviewing Gray Raoul, where hopefully she'll gain an insight into just why Gray would be allowing anyone to share his world outside of Jack and Jan. No guarantees, no promises he'll answer, though.

Now, I've heard Sirly Eric, the lovely gent who's going to do the audio for both excerpts, and as biased as I'm going to be here, he's got one hell of a seductive purr to his voice *Shivers*. I'm looking forward to hearing how he's going to handle Gray, Jack, and Jan in a scene together. And having read Ms. Kelling's extract *whistles happily, 'cause Kelling is letting loose two of my favourite guys out of the Deliver Us series for this: Ben and Kyle (so tries to stop fangirling too)*, I'm really looking forward to hearing Forgive Us Our Sins on audio.

Once the audio has been released to the members of the BDSM Group, a link will then be made availble on both here and Ms. Kelling's blog.

Hopefully (and I'm crossing fingers, toes, and noses here), the audio and interviews will tie-in with the release of both Antidote and Forgive Us Our Sins this winter. Hopefully (I said hopefully a few times, right?).

Be great to have you along with us for eveything that's coming this December.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Don't... Deliver Us: Shared World Update (Timelines)

Gray, Jan, and Jack are off on a trip over to America in Ms. Kelling's next novel in her Deliver Us series (titled Forgive Us Our Sins). Just to offer a little insight into how our novels are going to share worlds, as I'll then be borrowing Gabe, Trace, and Dare from Ms. Kelling's work, we've compiled a timeine to show which book comes where (only the issues surrounding why still remains... hush-hush).

It's just a general update similar to Ms. Kelling's, only it differs slightly as it also incorporates a novella of mine that will fall under the shared-worlds project too. it also titles the third Don't novel in my series (albeit somewhat tentatively, and open to change).

First off, edits are well under way with Antidote, and hopefully it's on schedule for a winter release. Which will tie in beautifully with some of themes going on in Antidote.

                                 Timeline For Don't & Deliver Us series:


Don’t  & Deliver Us Series

Shared World Tie-in
Short Story
Lynn Kelling

Short Story
Lynn Kelling

Lynn Kelling

Jack L. Pyke

Lynn Kelling

To-be-released Projects

Shared World Begins
Jack L. Pyke
Brief shared world tie-in to Forgive Us Our Sins
Forgive Us Our Sins
Lynn Kelling
Full Shared World Begins, ties to plot in Antidote.
Splintered Kisses
Jack L. Pyke
Minor Shared world Tie-in
Gray Matters
Jack L. Pyke
Full Shared world tie-in